Microsoft telah merilis internet explorer buat Windows Vista dan Windows 7, awalnya saya cuma iseng2 nginstal aja biar up to date versi terbaru :D dan saya pikir sama saja dengan versi sebelumnya, kurang responsif dan mesti di oprek2 dulu baru bisa loading lebih cepat.
Tapi suatu hari browser Firefox saya crush dan harus di instal ulang (Firefox), mau gak mau akhirnya saya cari instaler Firefox pakai browser IE 9, ternyata gak disangka IE 9 lebih responsif dari versi sebelumnya dan gak banyak di oprek2 juga biar bisa browsing lebih cepat cuma waktu awal penggunaan ada opsi yang kira2 bilang gini "disable one or more add-ons to make your browser faster" nah di situ kita milih add-ons apa aja yang pengen kita hilangkan di IE 9.
buat penggemar Internet Explorer, IE 9 ini emang cocok buat kalian.
langsung aja deh sedot IE 9 Windows 7 disini
ada juga versi bahasa Indonesia IE 9 Windows 7 disini (khusus yang bahasa Indonesia harus sudah terinstal paket antar muka / bahasa Indonesia buat Windows Vista atau pun Windows 7)
untuk Windows 7 versi 64bit juga ada nih disini
buat pengguna Windows Vista link nya disini (32bit) dan disini (64bit)
semuanya versi final gak ada yang RC.
sebelum menginstal IE 9 tersebut di perlukan Windows Update KB2454826-v2
untuk Windows updatenya silahkan di download disini (32bit) atau disini (64bit)
Silahkan mencoba dan rasakan perbedaannya dengan IE versi sebelumnya.
semoga bermanfaat :)
This way my partner Wesley Virgin's report begins with this SHOCKING and controversial VIDEO.
BalasHapusYou see, Wesley was in the army-and soon after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" tactics that the government and others used to get anything they want.
THESE are the EXACT same SECRETS many famous people (especially those who "became famous out of nowhere") and top business people used to become rich and successful.
You probably know that you use less than 10% of your brain.
Really, that's because the majority of your BRAINPOWER is UNCONSCIOUS.
Maybe this thought has even taken place INSIDE your very own mind... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's mind about 7 years ago, while riding an unlicensed, beat-up trash bucket of a car with a suspended driver's license and $3.20 on his debit card.
"I'm very fed up with living check to check! Why can't I become successful?"
You've been a part of those those questions, am I right?
Your very own success story is waiting to happen. All you need is to believe in YOURSELF.